Medical Quiz

Topics: Pathology of Respiratory System Quiz

A temporary inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the trachea and bronchial passageways; causes a cough that may produce mucus.

A. pneumonia

B. acute bronchitis

C. tuberculosis

D. dyspnea

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Leaves Cosmetology Branches of Medicine Metabolic Sauver Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Dental Specialties Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Human Organs Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Immunology and Serology Tib/Fib, Knee and Femur Mental Health Body Movements Nail Enhancement Introduction to Histology

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The part of a banana plant not used as food is

A. flower

B. fruit

C. stem

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A. cartilage

B. bursa

C. skull

D. rib