Medical Quiz

Topics: Organelles Quiz

A cell that manufactures protein hormones destined for outside of the cell would have an increased number of which type of ribosome?

A. Bound Ribosomes

B. Free Ribosomes

Select your answer:


Pediatric Cardiology Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Gene Cloning Eye Histology Reproduction Vocabulary - Health Cardiopulmonary Germs & Diseases Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Transportation Beneath the Skin The Chemistry of Microbiology Inhalation Injury Biocomposite Branches of Microbiology

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

What do Tendons connect?

A. Bone to bone

B. Muscle to bone

C. Muscle to muscle

D. Cartilage to bone

The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems › View

Identifying Structures of the Musculoskeletal System

Label B
A. bone

B. muscle

C. tendon

D. cartilage

E. ligament