Topics: Major Nutrients Quiz
Vitamin B9 is also known as
A. Biotin
B. Pantothenic Acid
C. Niacin
D. Folate
Select your answer:
Movement Homeotic Genes and Cancer Immunity in Humans Uses of Radioactive Radiation Radiation and Health Covid-19 Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Introduction to Histology Cardiology Types of Reproduction Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Linked Gene Human Physiology Forensics Terms Lung & BreathingOther quiz:
Tissues › Viewtissue that is avascular and as a result is slow to heal is
A. bone
B. cartilage
C. epithelial
D. adipose
Vocabulary - Health › View
A good, nourishing diet with plenty to drink will guard against digestive diseases.
A. nutrient
B. nutrition
C. nutritionist
D. nutritious