Medical Quiz

Topics: Iron Kinetics Quiz

When the body has adequate stores of iron, the hepatocytes sense that and will increase the production of hepcidin.

Iron exported from the enterocyte into the blood is ferrous and must be converted to the ferric form for transport in the blood.

A. First Statement is True, Second Statement is False

B. Second Statement is True, First Statement is False

C. Both Statements are Correct

D. Both Statements are Incorrect

Select your answer:


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the overall condition of a person’s ability to relate to others around them

A. Social Health

B. Physical Health

C. Wellness

D. Emotional Health

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What is the role of Myelin sheath in nerve fibers?

A. Transmit information away from the synapse

B. Provide saltatory conduction of nerve impulse

C. Conduct impulses toward the cell body

D. Produce myelin sheath