Medical Quiz

Topics: Deaf Blind Quiz

What case did Haben Girma win?

A. American Airlines refused to provide braille safety instructions

B. Harvard Law School refused to caption videos

C. The court systems refused to provide interpreters

D. Scribd refused to provide accessible texts online

Select your answer:


Physical and Sensory Impairment Body Systems Homeostasis - Vision Correction Phlebotomy Diseases of Digestive System Physical Activity Cell Transport Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids Immune Cells Faction Blood Body System Interactions Movement Compact Bone Medicinal use of Microorganisims

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Which neurone increase the speed of your heart rate?

A. Parasympathetic

B. Sympathetic

C. Anaxonic

The Musculoskeletal System › View

What cordlike structure can the epimysium blend into?

A. ligaments

B. fascia

C. tendons

D. aponeuroses