Medical Quiz

Topics: Cell Structure and Function Quiz

Which type of cells are always unicellular organisms?

A. Animal cells

B. Bacterial cells

C. Eukaryotic cells

D. Prokaryotic cells

Select your answer:


Liveability HHB Immunology Fitness Chest, Back, Abs Macromolecules & Nutrients Homeostasis and Disease Properties of The Hair and Scalp Nutrition Vocabulary Asthma Blood clotting Stress Sexual Reproduction Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Orthopedic Surgeon Neuroanatomy of CNS

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A. diabetes 
B. heart disease
C. acne
D. osteoporosis 

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What is the incubation period for the Corona-virus?

A. 3-5 days

B. 7-10 days

C. up to 14 days

D. 24 hours