Medical Quiz

Topics: Bones Anatomy Quiz

What is the bone in the middle of your chest?

A. Scapula

B. Sandcastle

C. Sternum

Select your answer:


Diseases & Disorders Immunisation Physical Fitness Components Physical Pharmacy Measles and Hib Pollution Limitation of Senses Lipids Components of Physical Fitness Nail Enhancement DNA and RNA Structures The Cell Cycle Joints & Movement Vet Terminology CVA

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Treat ingrown and torn nails as soon as possible.

A. Do

B. Don’t

Respiratory System › View

What is incorrect about gas exchange?

A. Alveolar air is rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide

B. Gas exchange takes place by diffusion

C. Blood that reaches the capillaries surrounding the alveoli is rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide

D. Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the red blood cells in the capillaries and carbon dioxide diffuses into the alveoli