Medical Quiz

Topics: Bones Anatomy Quiz

What is another name for your shoulder blade?

A. Sternum

B. Scapula

C. Ribs

Select your answer:


Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Genetics Receptors Diseases Limitation of Senses Immunology: T cell Development Child Development Body Systems Nature of Science Cells & Body Systems Salmonella vs E.coli Hematology Lab Values Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Virus, Bacteria, Immunity

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How does a non-competitive inhibitor affect an enzyme’s activity?

A. It binds to the active site, preventing substrate binding.

B. It binds to a site other than the active site, changing the enzyme’s shape.

C. It increases the enzyme’s affinity for the substrate.

D. It is consumed in the reaction.

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Shows brain function by using a radioactive glucose solution (active neurons love glucose)
B. CT Scan
C. PET Scan