Medical Quiz

Topics: Bacteria and Viruses Quiz

What is the best way to prevent the spread of all diseases?

A. vaccines

B. antibiotics

C. cover your mouth when coughing

D. wash you hands

Select your answer:


Bones and Muscles Hemodynamics Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Dementia Nervous System and Special Senses Biochemistry/Cells Organ Systems Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Muscoskeletal System Malaria Dental Specialties Molecular Basis of Inheritance Animal Nutrition Balanced Diet Physical Fitness

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Toothbrushing frequency and duration is more important than toothbrushing technique.



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What is the generic name for Niospan or Niacor?

A. Warfarin

B. Prazosin

C. Niacin

D. Guanfacine