Medical Quiz

Food Quiz

A stork builds it nest using __________________________.

A. mud

B. twigs

C. stones

D. leaves

Select your answer:


Digestion Cell Structure and Function Thyroid Gland Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Fad Diets Child Development Pain Management Nail Enhancement Germs & Diseases Biochemistry of Diabetes Biochemistry Vocabulary Disorders of The Joints Health Hematologic System Characteristics of Life & Viruses

Other quiz:

Skin Growth › View

The coloring in the skin; found in the epidermis.

A. Melanin

B. Oil

C. Perspiration

D. Pores

Unintentional Injuries › View

“Prevention is better than cure” can be applied to which situation?

A. Dalmi who always rides her motor bike without helmet.

B. Carrie who always look at the left and right side of the street before crossing the pedestrian.

C. Lisa who occasionally forgets to bring her medicine for asthma