★ Health and Hygiene Quiz
Lack of Vitamin D causes _________
A. Night blindness
B. Goitre
C. Rickets
D. Beri Beri
Select your answer:
DNA Structure and Function Diseases & Disorders The Blood Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Anatomy and Physiology Nutrition - Digestive System The Inflammatory Response Forensics Terms Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Homeostasis Endocrine System and Nervous System Biomedical HCMA - Hematology Regulation of Heart Rate Heart and Circulatory SystemOther quiz:
Physical › ViewBody posture during swing a bat very important because it can help us
A. Fall down
B. Balance
C. Run
Life Processes › View
Substances transported in plants are
A. water
B. minerals
C. food
D. all of the above