Medical Quiz

Pharmacology Vitamins Quiz

Which of the following diseases can be treated with Vitamin D

A. Beri beri

B. Senile osteoporosis and Hypoparathyroidism

C. Pellagra

D. Scurvy

Select your answer:


Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Orthopedic Surgeon The Respiratory System Blood Pathology Cell and Tissue Nutrition in Animals Cell Structure and Functions Types of Immunity Cell Membrane and Transport Medicinal use of Microorganisims Sensory System Key Terms Joints & Movement Skeletal System Nervous System Careers in Health Care

Other quiz:

Reproduction › View

What is the sticky part of the flower that catches pollen?

A. style

B. stigma

C. ovary

D. petal

Microbiology › View

What is one goal of the Human Microbiome Project?

A. To sequence the DNA of all microorganisms

B. To provide comprehensive characterization of microbiota relating to human health and disease

C. To study microorganisms in an artificial habitat

D. To study the prevalence of disease