Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

The respiratory system contains the

A. heart and blood vessels

B. stomach, esophagus, small and large intestines

C. bladder and kidneys

D. lungs, bronchi, and trachea

Select your answer:


Human Eye and Colourful World Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Lungs Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Nutrition Lipid Corona Physical Fitness Components Trauma Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Skills for Health Principle of Health Science Breathing ...Respiration Blood Typing Human Body Systems

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Healthy levels of cholesterol are:

a. Total cholesterol
b. LDL
c. HDL
d. Triglycerides

A. a. Total: <150mg/dL b. LDL (bad): <130mg/dL c. HDL (good): >20mg/dL
d. Triglycerides: <200 mg/dLB. a. Total: <200 mg/dL b. LDL (good): >20mg/dL
c. HDL (bad): <130mg/dL d. Triglycerides: <150mg/dLC. a. Total: <150mg/dL b. LDL (good): >20mg/dL
c. HDL (bad): <130mg/dL d. Triglycerides: <200 mg/dLD. a. Total: <200 mg/dL b. LDL (bad): <130mg/dL c. HDL (good): >20mg/dL
d. Triglycerides: <150m

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Which of the following is the symptom of Diphtheria?

A. Bleeding gum

B. Hydrophobia

C. Sore throat

D. Night sweating