Medical Quiz

Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Quiz

Healthy levels of cholesterol are:

a. Total cholesterol
b. LDL
c. HDL
d. Triglycerides

A. a. Total: <150mg/dL b. LDL (bad): <130mg/dL c. HDL (good): >20mg/dL
d. Triglycerides: <200 mg/dLB. a. Total: <200 mg/dL b. LDL (good): >20mg/dL
c. HDL (bad): <130mg/dL d. Triglycerides: <150mg/dLC. a. Total: <150mg/dL b. LDL (good): >20mg/dL
c. HDL (bad): <130mg/dL d. Triglycerides: <200 mg/dLD. a. Total: <200 mg/dL b. LDL (bad): <130mg/dL c. HDL (good): >20mg/dL
d. Triglycerides: <150m

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Digestive System and Nutrition › View

Choose the correct order of the digestive system.

A. mouth, small intestine, stomach, esophagus, large intestine

B. esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

C. mouth, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

D. mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

Thyroid Disease › View

Initial treatment for a 72 year old with hypothyroidism?

A. 25 mcg

B. 50 mcg

C. depends on weight

D. depends on TSH