Medical Quiz

Biochemistry Quiz

A substance, which provides H+ ions in aqueous solution:

A. Acid

B. Base

C. Buffer

D. Indicator

Select your answer:


Skeleton BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Biocomposite The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Immune Cells Faction Digestive and Circulatory System Vital Signs Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Molecular Genetics Factors Affecting Health HHB Immunology Hemodynamics Joints in our Body Health and Wellness Virus

Other quiz:

Visual Impairment › View

It is recommended that children with nistagmus are:

A. allowed to adopt the position needed to find the point where they can fix their gaze, even if they curve their back in extreme

B. corrected in their posture in a way that they maintain enough distance to perceive the stimuli but with some effort, and in a frontal direction, so the two eyes can work equally

C. corrected in their posture in a way that they can get closer to the visual stimuli but without curving their back

Human Body › View

This is composed mainly of the skeleton and the muscles.

A. nervous system

B. Musculoskeletal system

C. skeletal system

D. digestive system