Medical Quiz

Enzymes and Their Functions Quiz

Which of the following best describes the induced fit model of enzyme activity?

A. The enzyme’s active site is a perfect fit for the substrate.

B. The enzyme changes its shape to better grab on to and fit the substrate.

C. The substrate changes shape to fit the enzyme’s active site.

D. The enzyme and substrate do not change shape during binding.

Select your answer:


Pathogens Viruses and Prions Microbial Growth Cardiovascular System Terminology Fitness The Vascular System and Blood Flow Division of Microbiology Serology/Blood Typing Skin Diseases Urinary System and Fluid Balance Nail Regulation of Heart Rate Diagnostic Tools Health issue related to immune system Shoulder

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How many rings do purine bases have?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

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Process of urine formation consist of

A. Glomerular filtration

B. Tubular reabsorption

C. Tubular secretion

D. All of above