Medical Quiz

Immunology: T cell Development Quiz

When does gene rearrangment occur to produce a functional TCR?

A. double negative stages

B. double positive stages

Select your answer:


Micro Immunology Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Blood Pathology Disease Prevention Biology for Engineers Human Anatomy and Physiology Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Nasal Polyp Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Anatomy: Muscle Circulatory and Respiratory System Nail Enhancement Human Anatomy

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

When your bicep muscle contracts what happens?

A. Your Tricep muscle also contracts

B. Your Tricep muscle relaxes (lengthens)

C. Your tricep muscle snaps

D. Your Ligaments relax

Genetics and Censorship › View


A. a threat or danger

B. forced to move homes, usually because of war and disaster

C. an attack before an enemy attacks you

D. causing angry or violent feelings