Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Which descending pathway of the medial activation system is primarily responsible for facilitating head movements to maintain equilibrium?

A. Corticospinal tract

B. Vestibulospinal tract

C. Reticulospinal tract

D. Rubrospinal tract

Select your answer:


Nasal Polyp Nutrition and Human Digestive System Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Tutor Oral Biology Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Cholera Biological Organisms Classification Hospital Wards and Departments Human Digestive System Animal Genetics and Nutrition The Cell Cycle Wellness & Influences Virus and Bacteria Blood Typing Toxicology

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Which phase of wound healing involves the formation of granulation tissue?

A. Inflammatory phase

B. Proliferative phase

C. Remodeling phase

D. Resolution phase

Immunology › View

Which complement protein is the key intermediate in all complement pathways?

A. C4

B. C2

C. C3

D. C1