Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

What does the prefix “hyper-” signify?

A. Low

B. Normal

C. Excessive

D. Below

Select your answer:


Human Reproduction Environment Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Skeletal Tissue Upper Limb Sensory System Key Terms Cells and Organ Systems Cell and Tissue Vocabulary Cell Biology & Biotechnology Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Cell Structure and Function Humanistic and Biological Psychology Musculoskeletal - Clinical

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When a baby kitten becomes an adult cat, this is an example of…

A. energy metabolism

B. growth and development

C. response to stimuli

D. having cells

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What are the three stages of shock?

A. Compensated shock or nonprogressive shock; Progressive shock; Irreversible shock

B. Hypovolemic shock; Septic shock; Cardiogenic shock

C. Hypotensive shock; Hemorrhagic shock; Neurogenic shock

D. Mild shock; Moderate shock; Severe shock