Medical Quiz

History of Healthcare Quiz

Who founded the American Red Cross?

A. Rene Laennec

B. Elizabeth Blackwell

C. Florence Nightingale

D. Clara Barton

Select your answer:


Cardiology Services Med Terms Circulatory & Respiratory System Homeostasis Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Heredity Cell Structure and Function Physical Fitness Components Male Reproductive System Pain Management Cardiovascular Diseases Molecular Biology Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Pharmacology Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Type of Dementia

Other quiz:

Clinical Pathology › View

In which part of the day is the urine sample preferred?

A. Morning

B. Night

C. Evening

D. Mid night

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders › View

The following is the pathophysiology for which restrictive pulmonary disease:

Airborne droplets inspired into lungs; inflammation –> inc neutrophil, macrophage activity; bacilli sealed off –> tubercle lesion; scar tissue

A. Tuberculosis


C. Pulmonary fibrosis

D. Pneumonia