Medical Quiz

The Chemistry of Microbiology Quiz

What do you call substances that can be added to a microbial culture to prevent drastic changes in pH?

A. supplements

B. antacids

C. bases

D. buffers

Select your answer:


Mutation & Genetic Engineering Cell Membrane and Transport Introduction to Kinesiology Diversity Respiratory and Urinary Types of Nutrients DNA & Types of Reproduction Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Immunology IBD Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Transportation in Organisms Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Proteins Introduction to Histology

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passive expiration is accomplished by

A. non-muscular forces (recoil forces)

B. muscular forces

C. potential (stored) energy

D. passive expiratory pressure

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What type of human cell ejects its nucleus when it reaches maturity?

A. nerve cell

B. muscle cell

C. red blood cell

D. skin cell