Medical Quiz

Biochemistry Quiz

According to the table, what is Ammonium chloride’s Hydrogen concentration compare to its Hydroxide concentration?

[H+] _____ [OH-]

A. =

B. >

C. <

Select your answer:


Blood Typing Sexual Reproduction Proteins Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Body Eczema Musculoskeletal - Clinical Hospitality Musculoskeletal System Pediatric Cardiology Blood Renal Pharmacology The Ear Male Reproductive System

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

Osteopenia means

A. Low bone mineral density

B. Bone infection

C. Immobilization device

D. Injury

Discovery of DNA › View

Avery added an enzyme known to break down and destroy DNA to his heat killed S-strain bacteria, and saw that the R-strain bacteria were ____________________

A. still transformed, and killed the mice.

B. no longer transformed, and the mice lived

C. partially transformed, and the mice got sick but survived.

D. still transformed, but no longer killed the mice