Medical Quiz

Biotechnology Quiz

What is the main advantage of using genetically modified organisms in agriculture?

A. To study the behavior of genes

B. To create new species of plants and animals

C. To increase the survival, yield and nutritional value of crops

D. To study the behavior of pests

Select your answer:


Histology Human Body Systems Immunity Brain and Nervous System Obesity Anatomy Body Fluids and Blood Cells Transplantation Immunology Health Vitamin Nursing Vocabulary Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Skeleton Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food

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Where does oogenesis take place?

A. Uterus

B. Fallopian tubes

C. Ovaries

D. Vagina

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Bacteria that cause disease are called

A. microbes

B. pathogens

C. decomposers

D. autotrophs