Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

What is the rationale behind using plasma exchange or plasmapheresis in GBS treatment?

A. To eliminate the infectious agent causing GBS

B. To reduce the levels of circulating antibodies

C. To restore electrolyte balance in the nervous system

D. To boost the immune response against the pathogen

Select your answer:


Renal and Gastrointestinal System Psychiatry Introduction to Kinesiology Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Radiography Components of Blood Glucose in the Body Pathophysiology Health and Nutrition Transportation and Excretion Health issue related to immune system Viruses Biomolecules Digestion and Microbes Entomology Receptors

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Pollution › View

Which of the following best describes what these machines are doing?
A. Converting wind into energy
B. Converting wind to drill oil
C. Converting pollution in the air to clean air

Human Body › View

Which of these are part of your muscular system?

A. lung

B. biceps

C. kidney