Medical Quiz

Pathophysiology Quiz

Which of the following is a symptom commonly associated with acute inflammation?

A. Fever

B. Fibrosis

C. Chronic pain

D. Scar formation

Select your answer:


Muscular System Movements Hormones Orthopaedic Neurology Serology/Blood Typing Cellular Respiration Properties of The Hair and Scalp Tracheostomy Care Muscle & Nerve Tissue Muscle System Deficiency Diseases Diabetes Mellitus Thyroid Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Geriatrics Genetics Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Obesity › View

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for obesity?

A. Pregnancy

B. Poor Eating Habits

C. 8 Hours of Restful Sleep a Night

D. Parental Obesity

Division of Microbiology › View

It refers to the phases of growth of the bacterial population.

A. Growth curve

B. Growth curvature

C. Growth expansion