Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

. A 55 year old chroic smoker complained of difficulty in breathing and coughing up blood tinged sputum. Sputum cytology revealed cells with increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio and hyperchromatism. A chest X-ray revealed a mass near the hilum which on endobronchial biopsy proved to be a squamous cell carcinoma. The most common route of spread of carcinoma is

A. serosal (pleural)

B. hematogenous

C. through the sputum

D. lymphatic

Select your answer:


Corona Hemodynamic Disorder Illness and Symptoms Nutrients in Food Circulation and Excretion Bone Physiology Liveability Hearing Impairment Anatomy & Physiology MEDICINE Dental Specialties Child Growth and Development The Cell Cycle Muscoskeletal System Vision and Light

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Pathophysiology › View

Which cells play a key role in the inflammatory response by releasing histamines?

A. Red blood cells

B. T cells

C. Mast cells

D. Platelets

Transportation in Organisms › View

What are the types of transportation in organisms?

A. Transportation in organisms is only through excretion

B. The types of transportation in organisms include diffusion, osmosis, active transport, and bulk flow.

C. Organisms do not require transportation

D. The types of transportation in organisms include flying, swimming, and walking