Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Which of the following is false? Decreased cortical activity will lead to:

A. •Increased sweating

B. •Increased heart rate

C. •Increased tearing

D. •Reduced saliva

Select your answer:


Healthcare Systems and Insurance Hospital Unit Body Fluids History of Medicine Corona Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Respiration Nervous System Functioning Pulmonary Edema and CHF Skull Measles and Hib Transport system in Living Things (Human) Anxiety Disorders Immune Response

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When light hits the retina, the _________ are stimulated.

A. sclera

B. optic disk

C. photoreceptors

D. choroid coat

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What are pest-resistant crops?

A. Plants with the ability to withstand, deter or repel salt

B. Plants with the ability to withstand, deter or repel drought

C. Plants with the ability to withstand, deter or repel diseases

D. Plants with the ability to withstand, deter or repel pests