Medical Quiz

Psychiatry in the ED Quiz

How do you differentiate the sedative-hypnotic toxidrome from the opioid toxidrome?

A. HR/BP/RR/Temperature

B. Diaphoresis vs. dry skin

C. Pupils

D. Bowel sounds

Select your answer:


Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Infectious Disease and Pathogens Nutrition & Wellness BMI, Body Composition and Body Types The Teeth Inflammation and Healing Disease and Immunity Cell Division Fats And Oil Diet Histology The Energy Nutrients MEDICINE Heredity Medical Terminology

Other quiz:

Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow › View

Hypertension is present if SBP >/= _____ and DBP >/= _____

A. 130; 80

B. 130; 90

C. 140; 90

D. 140; 80

Nervous System › View

_____ neurons carry messages to the central nervous system

A. Motor

B. Inter

C. Sensory

D. Fun