Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal LE Quiz

What is a functional implication of a posterior total hip replacement

A. Difficulty donning socks

B. Unable to step backwards with surgical leg during ADLs

C. Can’t twist trunk to reach for something next to them on the bed

D. Can’t put weight through surgical leg when getting dressed

Select your answer:


Geriatrics BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Muscle Anatomy 5 Major Food Groups Health and Hygiene Biotechnology Pathology Endocrine Heart and Blood Vessels Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Homeostasis - Vision Correction Pharmacology Vitamins Bacterial Protein Synthesis Inhbitors Balanced Diet Immunology Skull

Other quiz:

Circulatory and Lymphatic System › View

How does the concentration of oxygen in the blood compare in the right ventricle and the left ventricle?

A. right ventricle has a low concentration of oxygen, left ventricle has a low concentration of oxygen

B. right ventricle has a low concentration of oxygen, left ventricle has a high concentration of oxygen

C. right ventricle has a high concentration of oxygen, left ventricle has a low concentration of oxygen

D. right ventricle has a high concentration of oxygen, left ventricle has a high concentration of oxygen

Health-Wellness-Illness › View

Which component of wellness relates to maintaining a healthy body and seeking care when needed.

A. Emotional

B. Social

C. Physical

D. Environmental