Medical Quiz

Defence against Infectious Diseases Quiz

any of the antibody-producing cells, and derived from B-cells. It plays a major role in antibody-mediated immunity reacting with a specific antigen.

A. Plasma cell

B. Platelet

C. Thrombin

Select your answer:


Contemporary Nutrition Issues Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Nail Disorders and Diseases Endocrine System Digestive and Circulatory System Macromolecules & Enzymes Joints in our Body Blood and Hematology Compact Bone Healthcare Systems and Settings Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries Food and Nutrition Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Pulmonology Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology

Other quiz:

Biology › View

All of the following are learned EXCEPT:
A. reading a book
B. sneezing
C. using a knife and fork
D. avoid poison ivy

The Respiratory System › View

What is the function of the “Diaphragm”

A. Muscle for respiration

B. Unflattened pizza

C. What holds the body

D. Your stomach