Medical Quiz

Renal Quiz

Select the correct order regarding to renal blood flow

A. renal artery, segmental artery, interlobular artery, interlobar artery, aorta

B. renal artery, segmental artery, interlobar artery, arcuate artery, interlobular artery

C. aorta, renal artery, segmental artery, interlobar artery, arcuate artery, interlobular artery

D. aorta, renal artery, arcuate artery, segmental artery, interlobular artery

Select your answer:


Myocarditis IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion Vital Signs Neurological Concepts Warm up Cardiovascular Diseases Oronasal Suctioning Ortho Ward Simulation History of Immunology Sarcomere Anatomy Infection Detection The Human Eye Human Organs Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Hospital Departments

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Your brain controls your heart beating.



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What is the purpose  of an enzyme?

A. give permission for the reaction

B. raise activation energy

C. speed up reactions

D. control how many reactions occur