Medical Quiz

Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Quiz

A group of muscle fibers is a ___________.

A. Fascicle

B. Myofibril

C. Myofilament

D. Sarcomere

Select your answer:


Forensics: Blood Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Stimuli and Responses in Humans MEDICINE Regulation of Urine Formation Renal Physical and Sensory Impairment Mycology Blood Groups BMI (Body Mass Index) The Inflammatory Response The Teeth Tissues of The Body Breath Endocrine System and Nervous System

Other quiz:

Immunology › View

Naive B cells leave bone marrow via blood and can then encounter antigens. If B cell fails to bind an antigen or find Th cell inside a lymph node, what happens?

A. They die

B. Apoptosis

C. They move to next lymph node

D. None of the above

Pathology › View

It is an ongoing (chronic) disease that causes abnormal growth of connective tissue.

A. Scleroderma

B. Psoriatic Arthritis

C. Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis

D. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus