The length of fall of the top of the colun of erythrocytes in agiven interval of time
A. Hematocrit
B. Hemoglobin
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Eye and Ear Asexual Reproduction Skin Growth Cancer & Cell Cycle Health and Disease Tissues of The Body Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Ears Respiratory and Circulatory Children Well-being Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Human Body and Pathogens Bacteria and Protist Review Enzymes and Digestion PancreatitisOther quiz:
Physical Fitness › ViewIt is the ability to move and control the direction and position of the body while keeping constant, quick motion.
A. Agility
B. Coordination
C. Speed
Neurological Concepts › View
what do synergy patterns entail
A. stereotyped sets of movements that occur in response to a stimulus / voluntary movement that involved pathology of muscle tone that affects joint positions after neurological damage
B. The breakdown of the primary motor cortex
C. Include our gait pattern and how we balance using our cerebellum