Medical Quiz

Muscular System Movements Quiz

Movements that you cannot control

A. Strain

B. Sprain

C. Voluntary

D. Involuntary

Select your answer:


Skeleton and Muscles Body Defense Beneath the Skin Nasal Polyp Epithelial Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Healthcare Systems and Settings Heart and Blood Vessels Muscle pathophysiology BIOMEDICAL MCQ Cell Theory & Melanoma Digestive and Circulatory System The Blood Immunity

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Musculoskeletal › View

The signs and symptoms of a ________ include pain, tenderness at the site of bone disruption, swelling, loss of function, deformity of the affected part, and abnormal mobility

A. contusion

B. hematoma

C. fracture

D. sprain

Diseases of The Nervous System › View

What is Alzheimer’s?

A. A disease of the brain that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior

B. Deterioration of the brain causing lack of emotion and physical abilities