Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

Normal body temperature is

A. 96.5 °F

B. 97.2 °F

C. 98.6 °F

D. 100 °F

Select your answer:


Human Eye and Colorful World Skin Diseases Surgical & Complementary Terms Autism Awareness Brain and Nervous System Homeostasis - Vision Correction Genetics Vocabulary Cell Transport Biodiversity Cell and Tissue Cell Injury Antimicrobial Pharmacology Bacteria and Viruses Central and Peripheral Nervous System Fad Diets

Other quiz:

Digestion › View

After the stomach where does the digested food go next?

A. Into the esophagus

B. Into the large intestine

C. Into the small intestine

D. into the liver

Nervous / Sensory System › View

Dr. Vazquez is examining a cell from the nervous system of an animal. He notices that at one end of the cell body is a long, fibrous strand of tissue. He immediately recognizes this as an axon that is responsible for

A. carrying signals away from the cell body

B. receiving signals from other cells and carrying them toward the cell body.

C. determining the speed at which an action potential will travel

D. determining whether the cell inhibits or excites neighboring neurons