Medical Quiz

Digestion Quiz

After the stomach where does the digested food go next?

A. Into the esophagus

B. Into the large intestine

C. Into the small intestine

D. into the liver

Select your answer:


Acute Responses to Exercise DNA and Genetic Manipulation Foodborne Illness Excretion Bone Organization of Systems Trichology Bacteria & Disease Nutritional Measurements Human Anatomy Study Guide Genes and DNA Homeostasis and Disease Joints and Range of Motion Degeneration Pathology EKG Medical Term

Other quiz:

Nutrition › View

what is synergism?

A. combined effect of malnutrion and infection

B. infection because of malnutrion

C. malnutrition due to infection

D. all of the above

Anatomy of the Eye › View

Cones are light sensitive cells in the retina that

A. give you color vision in bright light

B. respond in dim light

C. give you color vision in dim light

D. respond in bright light