Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

Which will most likely occur when the quality of sanitation in an area improves?

A. The number of disease carriers will increase.

B. The number of infectious disease cases will decrease.

C. The amount of available food resources will decrease.

D. The amount of necessary medical treatment will increase.

Select your answer:


Heart Structure and Double Circulation Muscle Histology Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Immunisation Blood Typing Neurological Disorders Pediatric Cardiology Lifestyle Diseases Neuroanatomy of CNS Transportation in Organisms SCI CH2-1 Radiation and Health Oxygenation Geriatrics HFT Vitamins

Other quiz:

Psychopathology › View

How do anti-depressants (SSRIs) help with OCD?

A. They stop serotonin from being released into the synapse

B. They block the re-uptake channels on the pre-synaptic terminal button to allow more serotonin in the synapse for longer

C. The block the receptor sites on the post synaptic dendrites

D. They attach to the axon to make the electrical impulse travel faster

Phlebotomy › View

What precaution should be taken when collecting a blood sample for a lipid profile test?

A. The patient should be in a standing position.

B. The patient should consume a heavy meal before the test.

C. The patient should be fasting for 9-12 hours before the test.

D. No specific precautions are needed.