Medical Quiz

Human Body Quiz

To initiate movement, muscles contract as directed by the brain. Then tendons pull the bones attached to them. What are tendons?

A. tough connective tissues that attach muscles to bones

B. tough connective tissue that attach bones to bones

C. connective tissues that glue muscle fibers together

D. none of the above

Select your answer:


Microbes Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Renal Pharmacology Food Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Bone Development and Remodeling Gene Cloning Muscle System Shoulder Nail Uses of Radioactive Radiation Fats And Oil ESR (RBC sed rate) Major Nutrients Pathophysiology - Inflammation

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Nurse Ron is conducting a Pulmonary Function Test to a patient with Oxygenation problem. Nurse Ron knows that which of the following pulmonary function test is viewed to assess if there is an obstruction in the smallest airways?

A. Forced expiratory flow

B. Forced midexpiratory flow

C. Forced end expiratory flow

D. Maximal voluntary ventilation

Orthopaedic Neurology › View

This muscle is a flexor of the elbow and shoulder as well as the spinster of the forearm.

A. Biceps Brachii

B. Triceps Brachii

C. Brachioradialis

D. Dorsalis Pedis