Medical Quiz

Respiratory Quiz

Which sequence correctly indicates the branching pattern of the human respiratory system?

A. trachea -> bronchi -> bronchioles -> alveoli

B. trachea -> bronchioles -> bronchi -> alveoli

C. alveoli -> trachea -> bronchioles -> bronchi

D. alveoli -> bronchioles -> trachea -> bronchi

Select your answer:


Degeneration Pathology Renal Heredity Sensory Disorder Muscles and Movements Cardiovascular System Terminology Body Fluids & Circulation Life Processes Excretion Metabolic Sauver Type of Dementia Vitamins Nervous System and Special Senses Cell Reproduction DNA and Genetic Manipulation Bones Anatomy

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It is the journey of cells from inside the blood vessel to the tissue outside the blood vessel.

A. Chemotaxis

B. Extravasation

C. Osmosis

D. Immune Response

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infections known to have a rapid onset and recovery

A. chronic infection

B. primary infection

C. latent infection

D. acute infection