Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

What nervous system controls the voluntary functions of the five senses?

A. Peripheral (PNS)

B. Autonomic (ANS)

C. Central (CNS)

D. Sensory (SNS)

Select your answer:


Muscoskeletal Injuries My Teeth Common Diseases in Human Beings Parts of the Body Skin and Derivatives Homeostasis - Vision Correction Prehabilitation and Conditioning Body Digestive System DNA Structure and Function Deaf Blind Benefits of Physical Activity Health and Diseases Brain/Neuron Anatomy Endodontic Surgery

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A. smoking

B. exercise

C. obesity

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The superficial group of the muscles of the back includes:

A. Serratus Posterior

B. Levator Scapulae

C. Longissimus

D. Splenius Capitis