★ History of Medicine Quiz
Discovered Micro organisms cause disease and pasteurization of milk
A. Laennec
B. Purkinje
C. Pasteur
D. Leeuwenhoek
Select your answer:
Eye in Color Vision Cell and Muscle Histology Conjunctivita Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Fish Health Management Nervous / Sensory System Meiosis and intro to Genetics The Musculoskeletal System Human Digestive System Basics of Cardiology Forensic Odontology Hospitality Sexual Reproduction Microbes CartilageOther quiz:
Auditory and Vestibular Neurology › Viewinformation from ipsilateral medial geniculate body, info sent to association areas for further processing
A. primary auditory cortex (A1)
B. heschl’s gyrus
C. vestibular
D. utricle
Cell Theory and Cell Organelles › View
This organelle is a rigid outer layer that protects plant cells.
A. Cell Membrane
B. Cell Wall
C. Nucleus
D. Chloroplast