Medical Quiz

Renal Replacement Therapies Quiz

The client with chronic renal failure is scheduled for hemodialysis this morning is due to receive a daily dose of enalapril. The nurse should plan to administer this medication:

A. During dialysis

B. Just before dialysis.

C. The day after dialysis.

D. On return from dialysis.

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Immunology › View

You have a patient who makes autoantibodies against his own red blood cells, leading to hemolysis.  Which one of the following mechanisms is MOST likely to explain the hemolysis?

A. Neutrophils release proteases that lyse the red cells.

B. Perforins from cytotoxic T cells lyse the red cells.

C. Complement is activated, and membrane attack complexes lyse the red cells.

D. Interleukin-8 binds to its receptor on the red cells, which results in lysis of the red cells.

RDA Dental Caries › View

Demineralization is:

A. replacement of minerals in the tooth

B. formation of a cavity or hole

C. loss of minerals from the tooth

D. dry mouth