Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

What structure is grey in this picture. It controls conscious thought and memory?

A. Cerebrum

B. Cerebellum

C. Brain Stem

Select your answer:


Diagnostic Tools Muscularskeletal System Pulmonology Advanced Stretching SM2 Psychiatry Organ Senses and Locomotor System Blood clotting History of Immunology Neurological Concepts Transport System Cell and Tissue Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Vitamin The Brain Biological Molecules and Enzymes

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Jasmine is having trouble being able to say the words that she wants. She knows what she is trying to say but the muscles in her mouth will not form the words. She has experienced some form of injury to:

A. Broca’s area

B. Wernicke’s area

C. her Angular Gyrus

D. her Limbic System

E. her Hippocampus

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People who don’t get enough of this mineral risk getting osteoporosis.

A. Iron

B. Calcium

C. Potassium

D. Sodium