Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Med Term Quiz

to breathe

A. pulmon/o

B. spir/o

C. sinus/o

D. trache/o

Select your answer:


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A wilted flower placed in a vase of water for several hours became stiff and stood erect. When it was placed in a salt solution, it wilted. From this information we can say that the cells of the flower are:

A. hypotonic to both fresh water and the salt solution

B. hypertonic to both the fresh water and the salt solution

C. hypertonic to fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution

D. hypotonic to fresh water but hypertonic to the salt solution

Lung & Breathing › View

You have 2 bronchi, each one is called a _____________.

A. bronchiole

B. bronchus

C. bronchioley