Medical Quiz

Advanced Stretching SM2 Quiz

A muscle that causes movement to occur through it’s own action is what?

A. Antagonist

B. Agonist

Select your answer:


Pulmonology/Respiratory The Energy Nutrients Neurology Infection Detection Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Circulatory and Nervous System Physical Education Blood and Hematology Nail Disorders and Diseases Skin Structure Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Inhalation Injury Life Processes Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance

Other quiz:

Food › View

One of the following plants has two parts which can be eaten as food. This plant is:

A. wheat

B. maize

C. mustard

D. Bengal gram

Endocrine System › View

a.The hormones effect may be _________and_________.
b.Nervous system effect is ______________and__________

A. a. permanent and reversible
b. temporary and irreversible

B. a. temporary and reversible
b. permanent and irreversible

C. a. permanent and irreversible
b. temporary and reversible

D. a. temporary and irreversible
b. permanent and reversible