Medical Quiz

Hospital Wards and Departments Quiz

Here the entire surgical procedure, from beginning to completion is implemented on a same-day basis, without the anticipation of an overnight hospitalization.

A. Short-term surgery (short post-surgery, day surgery)

B. Social work

C. Surgery

Select your answer:


Virus and Bacteria Nutrition Lipid Genetic Engineering Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Blood clotting Skeleton Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Nutrition Vocabulary Biodiversity Blood Pathology Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Breathing System Muscoskeletal System Humanistic and Biological Psychology

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A. Cure

B. Virus

C. Diagnosis

D. Bacterial Infection

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Why is breakfast important

A. It’s my warm-up for the day and wakes me up

B. It gets my brain and body ready to learn

C. Helps me focus

D. All of the above