Medical Quiz

Health Quiz

A fertilized egg is called

A. zygote

B. zyman

C. zyron

Select your answer:


Carbohydrates Immunology and Serology Clinical Pathology Surgical & Complementary Terms Histology - Tissues Tissues Urinary System Microrganisms Endocrine System Disorders Dyslexia Thyroid Gland Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Anatomy Respiratory System Haematology

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Biotechnology › View

What is transformation?

A. The use of viruses to transform or genetically engineer cells.

B. The measure of how well cells are transformed in a new phenotype.

C. The insertion of a foreign plasmid into a bacterial cell which results in new acquired traits.

D. Genetic engineering or transformation of mammalian cells.

Nutrient Cycling › View

What is the process where nitrogen is moved from the air to the soil to be used by plants and then returned to the atmosphere to be used again?

A. ammonia cycle

B. nitrogen cycle

C. bacterial cycle

D. water cycle