Medical Quiz

Biology for Engineers Quiz

Which one of the following cannot be explained on the basis of Mendel’s law of dominance?

A. Alleles do not show any blending and both the characters recover as such in F2 generation

B. Factors occur in pairs

C. The discrete unit controlling a particular character is called a factor

D. Out of one pair of factors one is dominant, and the other recessive.

Select your answer:


Surgical & Complementary Terms 3M Micropara Muscoskeletal Injuries The Human Eye History of Healthcare History of Immunology Diseases of The Body Systems Movement Diabetes Pathophysiology Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Heart Anatomy Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Male Reproductive System Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Anatomy Respiratory System

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If a trait shows up more commonly in men than women it is probably
A. not inherited
B. on the x chromosome and dominant
C. on the x chromosome and recessive
D. on a normal body chromosome

Body Systems › View

Which body system bring oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide out to the body?

A. Digestive

B. Circulatory

C. Muscular-skeletal

D. Nervous

E. Respiratory