Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

Using carbohydrate without the presence of oxygen would produce which of the following metabolites

A. Lactate only

B. Aceytl-CoA

C. Lactate and H+

D. CO2

Select your answer:


Neuron Structure Microbes and Infectious Disease Cell Bio Plant Biotechnology Diseases Key Terms Nervous System and Special Senses SPED Law-lympics Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review Bones Anatomy Blood and Hematology Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Nail Disorders and Diseases Metabolic Sauver Musculoskeletal System Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal

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What is the first step in prokaryotic cell division?

A. A new cell membrane is created

B. A new cell wall is created

C. DNA is replicated

D. The cell membrane is pushed inward, causing the cytoplasm to divide.

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We get Vitamin A from Iodized Salt.