Medical Quiz

Hygiene and Nutrition Quiz

We should put waste in a______.

A. Dustbin

B. Pocket

Select your answer:


Bones Alzheimer Disease Anatomy of the Eye Psychopathology Introduction to Histology Tissues of The Body Physical Health Unit Coordinating Hematology Acute Leukemias Circulatory & Respiratory System Lungs SCI CH2-1 Osteoporosis Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Pharmacology

Other quiz:

Infectious Diseases › View

To recover from vomit and diarrhea and replace water and electrolytes, one can take __________.


B. antibacterial drugs

C. anti-diarrhea drugs

Bacteriology › View

Because penicillin prevents peptidoglycan synthesis, it is more effective on cells.

A. Gram negative

B. Gram positive

C. mamalian

D. fungi